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Home » news » near duplicate nft detection protocol sense launches on pastel network

Near-Duplicate NFT Detection Protocol “Sense” Launches On Pastel Network

Sense Protocol has offered a solution, allowing collectors and creators to authenticate their NFTs on Pastel Network to avoid duplication.

New digital collectibles continue flooding the non-fungible token (NFT) market at an unprecedented rate. Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of new projects makes it hard for investors to determine which projects are worth investment. In that case, the asset rarity has emerged as a determining factor for investment.

Although many digital collectibles are unique by nature, they are also subject to duplication, with some of their data distorted, cropped, rotated, or stretched, making them showcase poor knockoff. But interestingly, Sense Protocol has come out with a lasting solution, allowing collectors and creator to authenticate their NFTs on Pastel Network.

By description, Pastel Network is a blockchain protocol renowned for being a fully decentralized, developer-friendly Layer-1 solution and preeminent protocol standard for Web3 technology. Pastel Network aims to address existing challenges within the NFT space, including inefficiencies, scalability issues, and affordability.

Sense Protocol on Pastel

Developers may incorporate this protocol with its advanced tech, including Layer-1 solution and Layer-2 DApps, such as its native Sense Protocol to provide efficient near-duplicate and copymint NFT detection.

The newly integrated protocol “Sense” will now enable collectors to evaluate the relative rareness of an NFT to confirm its authenticity. This process will protect creators and collectors from rampant counterfeits, fraud, and scammers. Sense Protocol is a powerful replicate detection system for NFTs, with the ability to recognize similarities between two digital assets.

Since the NFT replication is a complex and technical concept, Pastel Network has unleashed a public demo version demonstrating the importance of NFTs authentication for users. The public demo dubbed “Prior to the Release of Sense” will allow creators and collectors to simply identify an asset rarity, a gap in the NFT market that only a few experienced people would have understood without educational material.

Sense Protocol Functionalities

Near-duplicate NFT detection protocol “Sense Protocol” leverages deep learning models to transform each NFT into a multidimensional fixed list of numbers known as the NFT fingerprint vector. The new formula evaluates the possibility of a given NFT, whether it is a duplicate, comparing its fingerprints with existing prints in the database.

Furthermore, the new algorithm identifies NFT duplicates, eliminates instances of fraud, and determines the exact values of a digital collectible. Considering the real value will be directly based on rareness, any additional level of authentication will ensure that NFTs creators are original contributors.

Creators with similar artwork is a perfect example. In that case, their artwork would not get the same rareness score as the original NFT.

In a more practical landscape, the new formula gauges digital assets with a rareness score between 0.00% and 100.0%, meaning that the probability of an NFT duplicate is related to any similar registered digital assets.

The protocol will issue a rare badge to any digital assets with a rareness score above 75%. The values will help collectors and creators to find and track a registered NFT.

Other analytic gauges include the top-10 most similar asset table, NSFW Score and Analysis, rare on the internet result, fingerprint sector heatmap, IPFS link to full Sense Protocol Results, and the SHA3-256 hash of full Sense Protocol results.

Since Sense Protocol intends to eliminate all illicit activities associated with NFT duplications, it has also incorporated the Pastel storage arm, Cascade. Cascade is a decentralized storage layer on Pastel Network, enabling users to store data permanently at a single upfront fee. This new offering will solve the decentralized storage challenge existing in the NFT market.

Sense Protocol Is The NFT Game Changer

As part of positioning itself in the NFT industry, Sense Protocol has announced partnerships with several chains, including Nervos Network, TomoChain, and onXRP. The protocol will also address major conferences such as Ethereal Summit, Token2049, and NFT NYC.

Moreover, the team behind the Sense Protocol development has also hinted about more internal projects this year, including Cezanne, Monet, Van Gogh, and Kubo, alongside efforts to build blockchain bridges on Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), Polkadot (DOT) and Polygon (MATIC).

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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