Verasity platform and its native token Verasity (VRA) are trying to solve one of the oldest advertising problems in the world. Who is watching your ads? This makes it a very interesting project for a lot of people in the massive advertising industry, the one that can help them elevate their business onto a whole different level. What is VRA? One of the biggest issues in advertising since its early days is how to recognize and reduce wasted advertising. Annually, companies spend around $400 billion on various ads, but according to some estimates, around 40% of them are only watched by bots. That is $160 billion wasted on ads that no human with a pulse and a credit card ever sees. Even a small reduction of wasted advertising could mean billions in savings. It is no wonder Verasity, aiming to solve this issue, has drawn so much attention. Verasity founders introduced a mechanism called a Proof of View, which they hope will eliminate bots from the equation and stop them from inflating ad bills. That way, companies will only be billed for ads that have been watched by actual human beings. There have been attempts to introduce similar solutions in the past, but none proved practical or effective. Hopefully, VRA will change that. To make the system easier to function, the founders also introduced Veracity token (VRA), which can be used for rewards and for staking. VRA can be earned by participating in the VeraEsports platform through playing various games. VRA Crypto Price VRA was launched in April 2019. Initially, it was trading for $0.0005. The price remained stable for the first two years of its existence. In March 2021, the price surged to $0.01136. It was fluctuating around this mark, with a small downward trend until the Great Crypto Crash of May 19. The recovery started in August and by the end of the month, VRA returned to the price it has before the crash. Despite the founders’ best efforts, the price continued to stagnate, until February 2022, when it was announced that its VeraEsports platform was to serve as the Official Esports Partner and exclusive content platform for online shooter VALORANT for its Champions Tour Asia-Pacific Challengers 2022. The price jumped to $0.03 by late February. Unfortunately, the Russian attack on Ukraine sent the market plummeting and by March, VRA was at $0.024. By that time, there were more than 4.4 billion VRA tokens in circulation from the planned 10,356,466,695. This gave VRA a market cap of $106.8 million, enough to break into the top 400 coins by market capitalization. VRA Crypto Price Prediction It is rather impossible to make any long-term crypto price predictions and VRA crypto price prediction is no exception. There are too many variables in a volatile market to be able to fully grasp even the short-term implications, let alone something further along in the future. Still, there are many experts with enough knowledge and understanding of the crypto market who are able to predict at least general trends, if not the exact price points. Some of them have a VRA price prediction of $0.06 by the end of 2022 and trading at $0.07 in 2023. Others, like NewsBitcoin247, are more bullish, predicting that VRA will be worth $0.043 in 2023 and $0.064 in 2026. TechNewsLeader says that VRA will be trading at $0.031 in 2022 and $0.045 in 2023. Whether you trust this VRA price prediction is entirely up to you. We would recommend conducting your own research before committing your funds to any single crypto asset, VRA included. Where to buy VRA crypto If you want to know where to buy VRA crypto, check your favorite crypto exchange. VRA is listed on several crypto exchanges and buying some shouldn’t be an issue. Here are some crypto exchanges that offer VRA. PancakeSwap – The Best Crypto Exchange to buy VRA Crypto Uniswap – Most User-friendly Crypto Exchange – One of The Most Secure Crypto Exchanges Find the Best Cryptos on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. How to Invest in VRA crypto – Overview If you don’t have time or inclination to earn verasity, you can simply buy it. Here is a short guide on how to buy VRA. Step 1 – Select a Crypto Exchange Step 2 – Make an Account Step 3 – Make a Deposit Step 4 – Buy VRA Find the Best Cryptos on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. How to Invest in VRA crypto – Guide Step 1 – Select a Crypto Exchange – Compare different exchanges and choose the one that suits your needs the best. Step 2 – Make An Account – Once you have decided which crypto exchange to use, you will need an account with it. Visit their website and make one. Step 3 – Make a Deposit – Before you can start buying VRA, you will need some money in your account. Make a deposit via your favorite method. It can be done by a bank transfer, credit or debit card, or via online payment processors like PayPal, Skrill, or Neteller. Make sure to check which one is supported by your crypto exchange. Step 4 – Buy VRA – Once you have some funds, use them to buy as many VRA as you would like. Find the Best Cryptos on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. What Is the Best Crypto to Buy In 2022? Verasity platform potentially has a bright future, which means VRA can also be a sound investment. However, that is still uncertain and our pick for the best crypto to buy in 2022 is Lucky Block. LBLOCK is the native token of the Lucky Block network, aimed at revolutionizing the lottery industry. Under the current system, a lot of people don’t have equal access to lotteries depending on where they live. Further complicating matters is the fact that lotteries are usually organized by national bodies, either run or regulated by the governments. Naturally, this often raises suspicion about the entire process and cast doubts on the legitimacy of the results. Lucky Block’s goal is to address both of these issues. Their lottery will be available globally, ensuring everyone can access it, regardless of the county of residency. For the first time in the history of the organized lottery, people from around the globe will be able to participate under equal terms. The second problem, the legality of the results, will be handled by an algorithm running on a blockchain network. This will ensure that results are fair and transparent and that anyone can check the process. Blockchain’s inherent transparency will guarantee that there are no outside interferences. Lucky Block NFT was launched in January 2022 and has already earned a hefty profit for early investors. People interested in LBLOCK have a Telegram group with more than 25,000 members and it is usually the best place to see the latest news about the Lucky Block project. Lucky block is the best new cryptocurrency to invest in 2022. At the moment, Lucky Block is trading at $0.004585. The Russian attack on Ukraine has tossed a monkey wrench into all markets, including crypto, meaning assets across the board (except oil and gas) have taken a hit. In the last week, the situation has stabilized and Lucky Block has already regained its lost value. The current market cap is above $175 million and daily trading volume exceeds $1.5 million. Find Lucky Block on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. Where to Buy Best Crypto 2022 With crypto trading platforms popping left and right, it may be daunting to choose where to buy bets crypto in 2022, especially for inexperienced traders. To help with that we have created this simple guide that will lead you through the process in several easy steps. To keep things simple, we have used PancakeSwap and Lucky Block as examples. Find Lucky Block on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. How to Buy Best Crypto in 2022 Create an Account on PancakeSwap To start trading on PancakeSwap, you first need an account. Create one using a valid email address, because you will need to confirm it before you can start investing in crypto. Connect Your Wallet If you have a wallet, connect it to your PancakeSwap account. If not, select one and register. Make sure to check whether it is supported by PancakeSwap, as not all crypto exchanges support all wallets. Use your BNB You will need some Binance Coin (BNB) to start trading, as it is the native coin of Binance Smart Chain on which PancakeSwap is built. Initiate Trade Find the “Trade” button and click on it. This will initiate a trade. On the next screen, type BNB in the “From” field to select the currency you are using. Buy LBLOCK Next, you need to define what you are buying. In the “To” field, select LBLOCK. On the next screen, you can decide how many LBLOCK you want to buy. Once done, click the “Swap” button. Find Lucky Block on PancakeSwap Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and your investments are at risk. Conclusion When deciding on which crypto to invest in, several key factors should be considered. Some of them include the chances of the project’s success, the longevity of the token in question, and the impact it will have in its respective field. Once we have examined all of those, we recommend Lucky Block as the best crypto to buy in 2022.