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First NFT Minted On Enjin Blockchain Sparks World-Building Tournament

Established by Zogilabs, the World of Bezogia entered the Enjin system last year December. This world-building massively multiplayer online (MMO) game is fulfilling its promise by creating its first Non-Fungible Token on the Enjin Blockchain.

The unique NFT, known as the Thunderbolt, functions as the powerful weapons of Bezogi. Armed with these special weapons, the lovable and charming residents of Bezogia change into formidable characters.

World Of Bezogia Provides An Accessible And Seamless Player Experience

World of Bezogia is organizing a User-Generated Content competition it calls The Builders Tournament to celebrate the launch of its inaugural Enjin NFT collection.

User-generated content functions are at the center of the game’s experience. By drawing inspiration from renowned sites such as Fortnite and Roblox, World of Bezogia raises user-generated content to a much higher level. It offers an accessible and seamless experience for everybody.

With the game’s robust creator toolkit, any individual can be able to effortlessly drag and place 3D models and form maps. They won’t require any coding skills for this.

Members of the Enjin community will be given the chance to experience this robust toolkit and become participants in building worlds in the game.

The builder’s contest is more than just a competition. It is a huge step forward in the future of gaming, where boundaries are crossed and new opportunities are presented.

Players Can Earn Rewards Through Community Engagement

For the Common and Rare varieties, abundant opportunities await players who actively partake in Discord competitions, join community events, and attend exciting game nights.

By highlighting the dynamic nature of the community, these events showcase the vibrant spirit of the player base, ensuring that these NFTs are presented to the most engaged members of the community,

Legendries and Epic categories are reserved for the top-tier players who emerge victorious in events, securing these rare items as grand prizes.

The route to acquire these high-ranking NFTs is electrifying, marked by strong camaraderie, fierce competition, and the exhilarating excitement of being among the few chosen to acquire these unmatched virtual assets.

World of Bezogia, powered by Enjin is launching virtual assets tailored for the Enjin community. Participants are encouraged to utilize these assets to craft distinct maps. Those who produce the most imaginative maps stand a chance to obtain special Thunderbolt NFTs.

Players are provided with an in-game sandbox and a diverse array of tools, allowing them to bring to life the landscapes of their deepest fears or wildest dreams. Every map becomes readily accessible to all participants on the server, once published

Ali Raza

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