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Crypto Champion Launches on Android, iOS, and Web Browsers

Crypto Champion, a Web3 game supported on mobile and browser devices has gone live with a series of non-fungible token (NFT) features.

This Web3 game has been under development for three years. It features an immersive gameplay experience, with players having a chance to pick from five races. These supported race games include Cyberpunk, Elite, Fantasian, Undead, and Western.

Each of the traces supported in this game features varying traits. The game also comes with a pet system that players can turn into NFTs that are traded or sold.

Crypto Champion Launches With New NFT Features

Crypto Champion is an NFT-based game that runs on Android, iOS, and web browsers. In this game, players can collect and upgrade characters known as “champions.” The players then earn tokens through the gameplay by participating in battles and other game modes on the platform.

The platform announced that the launch would be fair and accessible to everyone at the same time. The NFTs used within the game will be released a few hours after the game’s debut.

The champions come with different traits and strengths. The undead champions have low speed and health but high strength. The elite champions have high health but low speed and agility. The Cyberpunk have high speed and good shooting skills but low health and agility while the Western champions have high agility but low strength.

The Fantasian champions are the most valuable as they feature a combination of epic and magical weapons.

A Dual-Token Ecosystem

The Crypto Champion Project will use two native cryptocurrencies for its offerings. The first is the Crypto Champion Gems ($CCG) which will act as the governance and utility token for the platform. The other is the Crypto Champion Mushrooms ($CCM) which is used as the in-game currency available to players.

The $CCG token comes with multiple features including automatic holder reflection It is also deflationary and comes with a locked liquidity pool. The token seeks to promote fairness and equality on the platform.

Those holding the $CCG token can also mint weapons and NFTs while earning airdrops by staking tokens. The token holders will also have a chance to participate in the project’s decision-making.

$CCM will act as the utility token for the project. This token does not come with team or partner token allocation. It comes with locked liquidity, staking options, and play-to-earn capabilities in the game. The token’s supply is unlimited by the features available in the game.

The $CCG and $CCM tokens impose a 3% tax fee on purchases. On the other hand, the fee imposed on the $CCG token will be used for marketing, liquidity, development, and holder reflection. The $CCM token will be used for development, liquidity, and marketing.

Ali Raza

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