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Arbitrum Introduces Gaming Catalyst Initiative For Web3 Gaming Advancement

The innovating Arbitrum, a layer-2 blockchain network, announced the introduction of its Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP). With this program, Arbitrum seeks to enhance and support the development of Web3 games on their network.

The GCP has proposed a share of 200 million ARB tokens, valued at $426 million, over two years. With this program, Arbitrum is gearing up for an impending token unlock.

Arbitrum’s Infrastructure Investment Seeks To Empower Gaming Development Globally

GCP aims to position the Arbitrum network as the perfect platform for developers, focusing on the long-term development of its environment rather than immediate complete solutions. The initiative aims to support and onboard leading game developers, nurturing a sustainable gaming environment on the Arbitrum network.

On March 16, about 673.5 million tokens, with an estimated value of $1.34 billion, are set to be released to the advisors and team, followed by a much bigger release of 1.1 billion tokens.

Arbitrum’s Gaming Catalyst Program marks a significant achievement in its network. With its commitment to providing an exciting gaming environment, the platform will lead the gaming sector. It offers an engaging experience for gamers and developers globally.

Arbitrum provides features like compatibility with Ethereum smart contracts. This enables developers to easily move their current games from Ethereum to Arbitrum, without the need of rewriting their code.

GCP Seeks To Position Itself As The Preferred Platform For Developers

About 40 million ARB tokens will be distributed to infrastructure bounties if approved. These reward tokens will be distributed based on individual proposals to foster gaming infrastructure within the Arbitrum network. Moreover, this incentivizes developers to create and enhance the essential infrastructure for a successful gaming environment on the platform.

The GCP sets determined objectives for the network, aiming to become the largest network for on-chain gaming. The GCP has processed 200 to 300 apps for game developers, attracting more than 20% of Web3 games to Arbitrum. It also introduced 25 fresh Orbits (Arbitrum’s term for sidechains), while achieving additional net migrations in contrast to other layer-2-networks.

To foster innovation on their platform, a segment of the funds will be co-invented in promising gaming projects and studios. This initiative is poised to provide financial support while demonstrating the potential of building on the Arbitrum network.

One of the main aims of the platform is to offer an immersive gaming experience to the players and expand the web3 gaming space. It wants to attract more mainstream game players as blockchain gaming takes a higher step in the gaming world.

Ali Raza

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