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Home » the six dragons nft

Built on the Enjin blockchain technology, The Six Dragons happens to be the first open-world RPG game. This BlockPegnio’s foremost DeFi game features play-to-earn concepts and blockchain-based gaming innovations.

Players can explore the large open world and journey into the randomly generated dungeons in this role-playing game. Aside from that, players will be able to own anything they find, and they can make, purchase, and sell things both within and outside of the DeFi game.

What distinguishes this experience from others is that — practically every element in the game is decentralized, using the power of cutting-edge blockchain technology to do this. Because players can exchange items with other individuals, sell their game assets for real-world value, and utilize their game assets in many game worlds, they can undoubtedly be considered the true owners of their game assets.

The Six Dragons NFT game is projected as a game in which the players are the supreme characters, not only because they continually modify the game but also because they are able to grasp the worth of their successes. The game’s developers are creating a multiplayer game environment intended to enable the community to access numerous game roles and independently control a decentralized, player-centered economy.

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What is The Six Dragons NFT Game?

The Six Dragons NFT game is a fantasy Open World RPG with a wide range of features that takes influence from some of the most legendary video games of the previous two decades.

Taking place in a lively 256 km2 environment packed with endless adventures, massive battles, and the ability to do anything you want are all part of the game’s glitz and glamour. Players can access boundless regions, harvest important materials, make over 300 different items, trade with other users, and upgrade their armory using strong enchants to enhance their weapons.

Despite the fact that The Six Dragons is a single-player RPG, you can still share in an MMO experience with the support of Artificial Intelligence companions. These options can be employed to assist you in various activities, such as standing by your side during fights or looking for riches and treasure.

How does The Six Dragons Game Work?

In The Six Dragons blockchain NFT video game, you can design your own weapons, materials, characters, etc. There is no restriction on trading, selling, or buying these items from other players in the game. As a result, a decentralized economy with monetary value is created inside the game.

The game is not just about the mechanics of play-to-win; the developers also infused Governance NFTs into the game. Players can exercise their right to vote using governance NFTs, and each NFT represents one vote.

Players can have a say in the direction the game takes in the future via the use of NFTs. In other words, it’s a true DeFi game in which the players are actively involved in shaping its destiny.

Another perk that Governance NFT holders enjoy is yield farming. On-chain gaming mechanics allow participants to benefit from a share of the profits. Crafting, trade, and enchanting are all examples of in-game mechanics.

Governor Status will be given to all holders of Governance NFTs. Players will get various benefits from this, one of which is a new color name.

The Six Dragons In-game Tokens

One of Nemberus’ most coveted items is a mystery stone known as the Celestial Token (CT). When trading in-game, players can get things of the same level or higher such as crafting components, enchanting scrolls, and portal keys in return for their Celestial Tokens. Kindly check the game’s celestial shop for a complete listing of what can be traded for CTs.

The Game’s Governance NFTs

The Six Dragons has gained a whole new aspect with the inclusion of Governance NFTs. Players can now earn cash while also making choices that will have an impact on the whole game. Players that have Governance NFTs can profit from a variety of opportunities, including the following:

  • Governance Voting
  • Governance Status
  • Yield Farming

Governance Voting: One vote per TSD Governance NFT is tallied, and the successful proposals are those that have been proposed for inclusion in the game. The Six Dragons framework utilizes the governor votes as a way to get a better sense of what the players want and how to serve them better.

Governance Status: TSD Governance NFT holders will be given a new color name and other benefits that will earn them ” Governors ” status in the future. Taking the NFT out of the wallet will result in the loss of the player’s governor status.

Yield Farming: In-game dynamics like crafting, enchantment, and off-chain to blockchain item trade will be accessible to TSD Governance NFT holders, who will also get a proportion of the total value of their holdings.

In a tax-like system, each NFT is worth a certain proportion of a user’s profits, subsequently deposited into the Ethereum wallet, where the NFT is stored. TSDT, a utility token tied to Enjin Coin (ENJ) at a 1:1 ratio, is used for payouts. Enjin Coin can be exchanged into TSDT tokens without leaving the game, providing users with a play-to-earn experience that is both distinctive and straightforward.

How to Play The Six Dragons?

With many fascinating features established in the fantasy realm of Nemberus, The Six Dragons is an incredible open-world role-playing video game.

There are almost one billion dungeons in this open-world game, along with many more wonders. Volcanoes, rivers, forests, mountains, and castles adorn the terrain.

In the game, you have a choice of three character class trees.

The three classes of the Six Dragons are as follows:

  • Warrior
  • Mage
  • Cleric

You can merge the 33 most sought-after abilities from each branch to create your unique character.

You can arm yourself with a weapon when your character is fully prepared. You can also select from 26 distinct weapons, which include swords, staffs, maces, etc.

How to Earn Money Playing The Six Dragons NFT Game?

Governance tokens issued by Blockpegnio belong to the ERC1155 token standard rather than the more common ERC20 standard. Because these tokens are non-fungible and unique, they constitute a form of governance.

Holders of the governance token for The Six Dragons are automatically eligible for yield farming. Token holders can profit from the game’s trade and item development by receiving a cut of the earnings.

How to Buy The Six Dragons NFT?

You can purchase The Six Dragons NFTs you desire via the OpenSea marketplace using Ethereum (ETH) Cryptocurrency.

Follow the steps below to buy The Six Dragons NFT on the OpenSea platform:

  • Go to OpenSea Site: The first step here is for you to visit the OpenSea online platform.
  • Link your wallet: Then, use the platform’s wallet integration tool to link your account. If you don’t have a wallet, you can simply create one using the eToro platform.
  • Load your wallet: You are required to load your associated wallet with an adequate amount of Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency.
  • Choose your token: With sufficient Ethereum balance, select the token you would like to purchase and the quantity on the OpenSea platform.
  • Payment: Once you have selected your desired token, paying for the token price in ETH is the next and last step in validating your transaction.
  • Note: You will need to pay an additional fee (gas fee) in ETH with the token’s cost.
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How to Buy Ethereum on the eToro Platform

To buy The Six Dragons NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace, you need Ethereum cryptocurrency.

Here is how to buy Ethereum on the eToro investment platform:

  • Open an eToro Account: To trade on eToro, you must first create an account. To achieve this, just go to the eToro website and fill out some basic information about yourself.

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  • Validate and fund your eToro account: To load your account with funds, you must first validate it. To achieve this, all you need to do is supply eToro with a valid ID. This stage is expected to be completed within minutes. There are various ways to fund your account after it has been validated. PayPal and Skrill are examples of e-wallets that can be used to make payments, as well as debit and credit cards.

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  • Purchase ETH (Ethereum): You can purchase Ethereum now that your account has been funded. To accomplish this, enter Ethereum into the search box. Then choose it and indicate how many ETH you want to purchase by highlighting it. You’ll then have funds in your account that you can use to make NFT purchases.
  • Link your eToro wallet to an NFT Marketplace: With WalletConnect, you can now link your wallet to a marketplace like OpenSea. Go to the OpenSea website and click on the account icon at the top right of the page. Scan the QR code or type in your wallet address in the WalletConnect section. Your eToro wallet and OpenSea will now be linked.
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The Six Dragons NFT Price and Statistics

In total, there are 1,833 The Six Dragons NFTs. Currently; about 1,029 owners have at least one The Six Dragons NTF in their wallets.

Floor price — 0.011

Volume traded — 67.4

Final take is it worth your time?

If earning passive income while playing a game sounds interesting to you, you should really give this game a try.

Governance NFT holders will be granted a new title, known as Governor Status. Players will benefit from this in a variety of ways, including receiving a new color name.

You can visit the game’s blog or follow them on Discord or Twitter for the most recent information.

Can you make money with Six Dragons NFT?

NFTs. Players can earn cash while also making choices that will have an impact on the whole game.

Is Six Dragons NFT legit?

Built using Unity and backed by Chainlink, Blockchain Game Alliance and BlockPegnio the Six Dragons NFT is legit and trustworthy.
