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Star Atlas Launches Its Latest Release, Showroom Release 2.1

Star Atlas, a gaming metaverse platform that is based on the Solana blockchain, has released the latest version known as Showroom Release 2.1. The main feature of this new version is known as the Volant Station Racing Track.

Star Atlas launches Star Atlas Showroom 2.1

Star Atlas has launched additional gameplay modes and systems for this gaming platform. These features include the career path of the racer and in-game competitions. These features will be powered by the Unreal Engine 5.

The report that has been released by Star Atlas on this matter says that Nanite, which is owned by Unreal Engine 5, will support video game visuals that are cinematic in nature. Nanite is a platform that provides access to real-time graphics technology.

The features and updates that will be integrated into this platform will be available in R2.1. These features will include Ground Racing, All 49 Ships Flyable, Galactic Marketplace Integration, an update of the Dogfighting Arena, among other features.

The first feature of this is known as Ground Racing, and the players can participate in a time-trial contest where they will be ranked on the global leaderboard. They will also conduct training on the racing dynamics. On the other hand, version R2.2 will support the players as they compete against other racers on the platform, according to the statement released by Star Atlas.

Star Atlas will boost user engagement

The platform will also feature 49 flyable ships. Out of these ships, seven of them have already reached the final stage, according to a statement shared by Star Atlas. On the other hand, the platform is also supporting engagement between the users and the manufacturers to ensure there is a friendly experience for all.

“Every three days, two manufacturers will allow Star Atlas citizens to test ships up to the large size category. This is an excellent way to get acquainted with the ships you’re eyeing and check if they align with your in-game desires before acquiring them,” the report said.

Moreover, the players that participate in the game can also buy ships using the Unreal Engine 5 module. During the initial release of this game, the sales will be limited to ships, but future updates for the platform will be extended to all the products that are available on the Star Atlas Marketplace.

The new release will also have a Photographer Mode. In this mode, the players can choose to become Showroom photographers and even compete against others to gain incredible views of the diverse features that are supported by Volant Station.

The players that win any of the competitions that are supported by the platform will also be able to mint photographs into the NFTs. The players can also capture images and upload them directly to the Discord platform from within this game.

This new feature is available in Release 2.1, and it will allow Star Atlas to provide an immersive gameplay experience. The platform will also support the expansion of the ecosystem by adopting innovative technologies.

Ali Raza

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