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Somnia Introduces Playground App for Designing and Sharing Virtual Worlds

Somnia, a Layer-1 blockchain platform for virtual societies, released an app to assist developers in crafting Metaverse experiences. Announced on July 18, the beta version of Somnia Playground helps creators design, share, and earn from their unique virtual worlds.

The Somnium Space Playground beta will let creative people invite friends, build Metaverse worlds, and show NFTs. This sandbox space lets creators test their ideas without needing expensive and time-consuming server infrastructure.

Somnia Aims To Provide A Robust Layer-1 Evm Blockchain With High Transaction Capacity

Somnia claims that Somnia Playground will soon simplify the process of creating and sharing Metaverse content, helping creators bring their ideas to life.

Somnia is a Layer-1 EVM with an interoperability protocol that can handle over 300k transactions per second. It combines NFTs, gaming, metaverses, and social platforms into a unified on-chain virtual society. Somnia Playground gives content creators a space to test, refine, and perfect their Metaverse experiences before releasing them live on Somnia.

Users can invite friends with referral codes to move up the quest leaderboard and show their NFTs or create things in their virtual worlds. They can earn rewards in digital money or other assets. Season 2 is coming soon with new quests that give users more challenges to make Playground even better.

Somnia Wants To Enhance The User Experience With Unique Features

The current Playground is the first version. Future plans include adding easy-to-use tools for MML objects so users can quickly publish them into Somnium’s systems for customizing, creating, and sharing unique items in the Metaverse.

Other plans include increasing the number of people in each space, which is now 20, and adding voice chat for better ways to interact. When Somnia is live on the mainnet, users can trade their creations on Web3 marketplaces.

Paul Thomas, Chief Executive Officer of Somnia, talked about the platform’s potential. He said the team is excited to see what creators think about Somnia Playground. Their goal is to help creators by giving them the tools to make their Metaverse ideas real. With Somnia Playground, Somnia is making it easier for new creators to create innovative digital experiences.

Somnia Playground aims to make Metaverse creation more exciting with its easy-to-use, web-based platform. Somnia gives the future of immersive digital content to its creators.

Somnia blockchain is a Layer 1 EVM blockchain for gaming and the Metaverse. It can handle hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. It also has omni-chain protocols that connect the gaming worlds, NFTs, and Metaverse.

Ali Raza

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