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Home » news » another world allows users to use nft avatars in a 3d metaverse

Another World Allows Users To Use NFT Avatars In A 3D Metaverse

Another World is a metaverse game that allows players to showcase their Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), CloneX, Azuki, and OnChainMonkey non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within a 3D environment. However, this metaverse game has not been officially linked to any of these projects.

Another World supports NFT avatars in a 3D metaverse

The creator of Another World and the founder of ScienceVR, Jackie Lee, has said that people are always assessing the experience of having to live within Web3 worlds. Lee is the only developer that is currently working full-time on the project.

Another World has been created using the Unreal Engine 5 that is used by Epic Games. The Unreal Engine 5 is a software toolkit that is used by a wide range of leading game studios, and they will be released on the Epic Games Store. Lee, who is also an MIT graduate, has revealed that he received a grant from the Optimism Foundation to create an NFT-centric experience.

Another World will not sell in-game NFTs

Another World will not be selling any in-game NFTs or cryptocurrencies under this project. However, the players will be in a position to link their crypto wallets using a Tokenproof integration that will appear as a QR code board in-game.

There are plans to offer varying digital wearables for the avatars owned by the players depending on what is held on digital wallets. According to Lee, players will automatically see some wearables appearing within the in-game inventory depending on the coins owned within the connected wallet.

The wearables in question will be free NFTs minted on the Optimism scaling network. Lee noted that there were concerns around copyright infringement despite some blue chip NFT projects, such as the Bored Aps providing a wide range of commercial use rights for NFT owners.

Lee is currently working on gaining permission to use BAYC logos within the Another World metaverse. He noted that he was talking with the creators of BAYC, Yuga Labs, adding that the move would not likely be easy. Lee has also addressed plans to provide a pepe-themed frog wearable mask for users owning a significant amount of PEPE meme tokens.

Another World will not solely operate as a metaverse where the users can explore and interact with other users. Instead, the project will also feature a player-versus-player mode where NFT avatars will battle each other. Lee has said that NFTs will be available for players to acquire within the PVP zone.

During the first season of this project, a $100,000 prize pool will be available, and the amount will come from the grant offered by the Optimism Foundation. The winners of this prize pool will be determined by the number of NFTs earned by the end of the season.

Another World is currently under development, but the project is a promising one. It presents a unique way for users to integrate their NFTs and crypto assets and benefit from them. Another World will also be among the NFT projects that are venturing into the metaverse.

Ali Raza

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