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Home » news » animoca ubisoft polygon invest in new nft game

Animoca, Ubisoft & Polygon invest in new NFT game

Animoca Brands and Ubisoft have invested in a $12 million seed funding round for “Cross the Ages.” Cross the Ages is a free-to-play blockchain-based game that offers digital trading cards in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The funding round also saw support from Polygon, which is the blockchain upon which this game will be based. The co-founder and COO of The Sandbox, Sebastien Borget, has invested in the funding round.

Cross the Ages $12M funding round

Cross the Ages plans that the funds raised through this round will be directed towards supporting a development program. The funds will also be used for talent retention and supporting various market activities.

Sandbox’s co-founder, Borget, commented on the development, saying, “Sami’s vision of ‘Cross The Ages’ around creating an innovative multidimensional entertainment format which players can participate in and own – between books, collectable trading cards in both physical and NFT formats and video gaming – is truly unique, and he has not only a top-notch team but also a track record of successful shipping games.”

Cross the Ages is the first collectible card game based on a mobile device. The game is developed in a dystopian future where there is a wide range of free-to-read novels. Players engaging in this game can compete singularly or through teams. The rewards are given in the form of NFTs, with an option for the digital cards to be converted into physical versions.

Through this game, it is expected that metaverse features will be adopted by next year. The metaverse version will have quests depicted in the novels, while gamers, artists and developers will create new games and cities.

The beta version of this CT A game will be unveiled towards the end of May. After this, the digital and physical cards will be released in June. The game also has plans to launch an NFT marketplace and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols suite. The DeFi protocols suite will give users access to various projects such as farming, pooling and bonding.

The co-founder and CEO of Cross the Ages, Sami Chlagou, noted that,

The CTA DeFi product will be accessible via the main user interface, but it will operate as its own standalone platform. We want to keep the gaming experience somewhat separate to ensure that the more commercial aspects of the CTA experiences do not distract from what will be a dynamic and unique metaverse gaming experience.

CTA currently has a team of more than 140 people, who comprise artists, authors, developers and other notable experts. CTA expects to grow its team significantly by the end of the year to reach 200. By mid-2023, Chlagou predicts that the team will grow to 250.

CTA has a division based in Singapore. This division has produced over 50 games that can be accessed on different platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo.

The boom of blockchain gaming

Blockchain gaming is currently one of the most popular topics in the cryptocurrency sector. Blockchain games are believed to be one of the largest inventions that will attract people to the crypto and blockchain sectors.

In January this year, the total number of active blockchain games hit 400, two times increase from the previous year. Some of the popular players in the crypto sector are now venturing into blockchain games due to their popularity.

FTX, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms, released a gaming division in February. FTX announced the acquisition of Good Luck Games, where the latter is the creator of the Storybook Brawl game.

Ali Raza

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