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NFTBoxes NFT Analysis & Statistics Overview

Check latest metric updates on NFTBoxes NFT project. Get technical analysis & expert insights on NFTBoxes NFT according to recently analyzed Blockchain data.

NFTBoxes NFT Statistics

Sales Total amount of unique transactions made in a certain NFT collection

2 -33.33 %

Users Amount of unique crypto wallet addresses that are interacting with the NFT

2 -33.33%

Volume Amount of incoming value to NFT’s smart contracts from transactions taking place

0.0 -38.6%

NFTBoxes NFT Market Overview

The FineArt2Hodl NFT data chart shows that this WAX protocol-deployed dApp made 76 sales in the last 30D. The NFT had 72 users & a Volume of $1.54, and was losing in growth with a 100% drop in Volume for the last 30 days.

FineArt2Hodl NFT dApp is overall bullish in Sales and has increased in comparison to the previous 7-day period. It is now ranked #98 in General BDG dApp Tracker category, and also #98 in category. FineArt2Hodl NFT is steadily gaining popularity among users with a 100% increase of users for the same 7-day period.

You can use these metrics to decide whether FineArt2Hodl is a high-potential NFT, if it’s gaining popularity & trending, and if it’s actually worth your contribution.