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Home » news » wrejects galactic wrestling league p2p nft game

Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League P2P NFT Game

Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League (WGWL) is said to be bringing the PAIN to Polygon. The thriller, turn-based, P2E NFT game appears to be having a lot going for it. With just a few different character nonfungible tokens (NFTs), and other NFTs that will affect this game’s outcomes, there is a lot to dig into.

The Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League integrates wrestling and awesome sci-fi lore for a fun P2E blockchain game. The turn-based PvP fighting game is powered by the Polygon network. This game also comes with play-to-earn mechanics that allow players to earn tokens as they compete against one another.

In that context, the native token of Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League is Painium ($PAIN). In other words, you do not require an NFT to try out the game and earn more $PAIN tokens. With that in mind, only the NFT holders get to participate in WGWL’s awesome passive income model.

That is the strategy that is used since owners earn $PAIN whenever their NFT character is selected in Arcade Mode. Furthermore, they can get a cut of the winnings that their character makes.

Another notable point about Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League is that the gamers will require to outfit their NFT wrestlers with various NFT items. The items that these players will use are subject to their opponent and the arena that they are fighting in.

Here are the various NFT assets that exist in the Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League.


The titular Wrejects are the main NFTs in the Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League. These are the characters that the players get to outfit and control in matches. Every Wreject is unique, with its bio and special ability.

Interestingly, unlike the standard generative NFT projects, the Wrejects are 100% hand-drawn. There are up to 150 Wrejects NFTs available in the first WGWL drop, with 150 more expected to drop around the time of Alpha testing and more Wrejects scheduled to come in the future.

Corporate Bots

Just like Wrejects, Corporate Bots are also characters that the players outfit and utilize to compete in Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League match. While the Corporate Bot NFTs are also distinct, they are separated by body style. Then, these Corporate Bots within each available body style have some unique and hand-picked color combinations.

The body styles have bios and come with unique and special abilities. Corporate Bots are not as rare as the Wrejects, with 2,500 of them in the first collection drop. Corporate Bots and Wrejects are the wrestling characters of the WGWL.

Equipping Items In Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League

The Items play an integral role in the WGWL game. They are what gamers will use to shift their characters’ attributes before the matches. Items are critical since players need to account for their character’s attributes and their opponent and arena.

Items come in a few different categories. They include defense, attack, and single-time use that is depleted after one match. Gamers have a single slot for every category for a match. The single-use items are most interesting since they introduce a huge amount of strategy around which ones players get ready and equipped for a match, and when they decide to use them.

There are 10,000 Item NFTs in the Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League.

Wrejects Announces its Upcoming Galactic Wrestling League


Apart from being the places where the matches take place, Arenas also add some status effects. Essentially, they can add an extraordinary move to your gamer according to the environment. As a notable example, the Blood Desert Arena in Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League offers the opportunity and ability to kick sand in the opponent’s eyes.

Other significant benefits come with owning an Arena NFT. To this end, the Arena holders can host various PvP training matches, wager the matches, and even full tournaments. Just like the Items, there are 10,000 Arena NFTs.

Mining Claims NFTs

The Mining Claims NFTs are amazing NFTs that enable their holders to get some passive income in the form of a percentage of all the winnings acquired on the platform. It means that the more fights there are on the WGWL platform, the more tokens Mining Claim NFTs will earn the holders. Moreover, just the Mining Claim holders can stake $PAIN.

These NFTs can also be quite rare since just 1000 Mining Claims will ever get created. Wrejects Galactic Wrestling League is scheduled to start Alpha testing in Q2 2022, with a Beta launch set for Q3 of this year. In that context, the team hopes to launch the full version of the exciting game in Q1 2023.

WGWL will unveil its first NFT assets on March 31, they will be made available on both the project’s website and OpenSea through the Polygon network. They will range between $20 and $450. To keep up with all the updates, always ensure to check out its Discord community, Twitter, and Instagram pages.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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