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Home » news » what is the leagues of kingdom nft game and how does it operates

What Is the “League of Kingdoms” NFT Game And, How Does It Operates?

For a long time, many gamers have spent their time and resources searching for gaming platforms that offer unique virtual assets and allow them to play and earn some revenue. League of Kingdoms (LOK) is one such game featuring the highlighted traits.

Gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment globally, hosting more than five billion fans, with its sales income calculated in hundreds of billion dollars. As more gaming platforms continue coming up, virtual assets have become the popular model of monetization.

Notably, most gaming platforms store their data on private servers, giving many gamers much doubt over their reliability and transferability. In this case, the teams behind the game can comfortably tamper with game policy at any time to lucratively increase their proceeds.

League of Kingdoms | MMO Strategy Game on Blockchain

Furthermore, many gaming platforms do not consult users or take responsibility for the harm that may arise in the game ecosystem. But interestingly, this bug in gaming can be fixed by blockchain technology. The rapidly evolving tech allows gamers to own and transfer virtual assets to anyone fast and seamlessly through non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

League Of Kingdoms NFT Game

League of Kingdoms (LOK) is a blockchain-powered play-to-earn (P2E) game based on the Ethereum blockchain. The newly launched game will offer participants not just rule over the kingdom but also owning it as an NFT. Gamers can now purchase land and other in-game items in the official game store or other players on the OpenSea NFTs Marketplace.

League of Kingdoms allows gamers to create their Kingdoms and raise armies to protect their territories. Players can also participate in various military missions, events, contests, and other competitions to win awards. Territory heads can join hands to create alliances, which may fight for control over other different kingdoms. The new game also allows players to participate in decision-making through voting for new in-game content. LOK will implement proposals with the most votes in the next system upgrade.

Gameplay Modes & Earning

Gamers will immediately start earning bonuses right from the first stage of the game after solving a  simple cryptographic task. League of  Kingdoms compels gamers to purchase additional resources, including digital land NFTs, from the gaming store to start earning.

Digital land and kingdom-building are the central elements of the new gameplay. Gamers must start with small primitive land and grow it into a strong kingdom. One of the unique features of League of Kingdoms is its exclusive treasures and skill system that enables gamers to unlock more magical abilities. However, the game has several game modes.

LOK has designed the single-player mode for creating kingdoms. In this mode, gamers create buildings, explore the ecosystem, collect resources and prepare an army to shield their territories and strengthen alliances.

Player-verses-environment is another gaming mode, allowing gamers to farm valuable resources and send warriors to hunt evil monsters. Notably, the team behind the development hinted at introducing a monster invasion gaming mode dubbed “Trial of Agony” in the future.

League of Kingdoms game also features a player-versus-player gaming mode designed for competition between gamers. In this stage, players contest for resources and ownership, using game elements and tactical skills to strengthen their armies and dominate enemy castles.

Lastly, Leagues of Kingdom gameplay features a massively multiplayer online (MMO) mode that allows players jointly participate in alliance wars, the siege shrine, and other military competitions.

League of Kingdoms gameplay is now one of the best platforms for gamers to generate revenues. It lets gamers earn digital assets from just owning NFTs. According to the team behind development, a fraction of gaming fees will go toward active players and landlords. The landowner receives 5% of the collected resources and can use them to mine more NFTs. Players can also trade in-game assets on various NFT markets.

The land is the unique unit in the gameplay, which is represented in NFTs. Gamers can use their digital deeds to play and earn points for development. LOK features 65,536 virtual plots on several continents in the game.

League of Kingdoms

The new game “LOK” resembles mythical creatures Dragos, renowned for their struggle in power dominance and other different elements. Although each dragon is unique, they honorary serve their master and fight for him in battle. This conduct is a decisive element of the fight in the game, which determines the tactical and strategic to win.

The team behind LOK development has unleashed NFTs collectibles, depicting Dragos with unique appearances and features. Each Drago will provide various benefits in different areas within the game. Gamer owning a dragon will get a chance to earn Dragon Soul Token (DST). While commenting about the newly launched game, Han Yoo, the chief operating officer of LOK, explained:

“Drago — a dragon-like creature NFT, was introduced in the League of Kingdoms on May 16. Drago NFT and DST token loop will usher in a new era of play-to-earn in the LOK. Drago will also launch with a rental system. More gameplay content related to Drago will be released as well. One of them will be Drago Arena, where Dragos can fight and compete with each other. It will be a sort of mini-game to diversify the entertainment of our game.”

LOK Faces Backlash After Launch

Although the new gameplay is available for PC, with a mobile version ready for download on Google Play and Apple App Store, developers have faced community backlash on the latter.

Despite the game being enticing, many mobile version players have not received the gameplay warmly, with some complaining that the game does not meet the required threshold. Some gamers argue that the translation of the interface into different languages, was not done professionally. Notably, bots have recently become a problem in the game as the user base rapidly grows.

While responding to the raised matter, Yoo remorsefully explained that for the new game to become attractive, the developers incorporated too many bots, a move that has attracted more errors, adding:

“We’ve been updating our server with several patches and updates to accommodate the growing number of users, but the proportion of bots is quite high compared to other games, it’s causing lag and bugs in our game. We’ve developed an anti-bot system to filter out the flood of bot accounts. Also, we are encrypting the codes to prevent bot developers and abusers from exploiting our game. Currently, we are building a dedicated unit to monitor and ban the bot and cheaters, to comb out the malicious users from the game.”

Despite experiencing technical glitches, LOK gameplay has a two-year roadmap and an extensive community of players. It is already a mature game app with thousands of gamers.

Nonetheless, LOK is incomparable with popular games such as Axie Infinity and Gods Unchained. Leagues of Kingdom is a real-time strategy game and an unusual choice for an NFT game.

The new game has successfully transformed the cross-bridge between farm simulators and Pokémon, following the introduction of the Drago ownership system. Moreover, its large community and powerful team speak more on its viability.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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