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Home » news » top 3 ethereum nft games in 2022

Top 3 Ethereum NFT Games In 2022

Nonfungible tokens and blockchain games appear to be the hype since early 2021. In that context, Ethereum NFT games have come up to dominate the nascent industry while other blockchains seem to be playing catch up.

Ever since the inception of NFTs, they have shown repeatedly that they can change the entire gaming world. Their emergence promises a new and exciting order where the players take up even more crucial roles in the gaming space and get befitting rewards in the process.

Currently, the gaming paradigm has started to take shape as game developers are mainly adopting blockchain technology to provide their games with a more immersive experience. An NFT game integrates conventional gaming models with traditional game mechanisms to enable users to have more control over the in-game assets including characters, skins, weapons, virtual lands, and a lot more.

All that is made possible by launching games on blockchain and tethering those using digital asset-powered economies. The digital assets are mostly NFTs so they are readily distinguishable and highly tamper-proof.

The adoption of Ethereum NFT games and token standards also enables the developers to preserve the rarity and uniqueness of some of the in-game items. That is why some of the blockchain game assets are considered to be more expensive than others. Here are the top Ethereum NFT games in 2022.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is one of the top Ethereum NFT games that borrow majorly from the Pokemon game series. It then adds its blockchain twist to provide the finished product which is an even more exciting feel.

In this game, the players breed and collect NFT-based digital pets known as Axies for the primary purpose of battling other players. Every single Axie has its distinct genetic imprint. Thus, the weaknesses and strengths of Axies are mainly passed down to their offspring.

Axie Infinity game

All these digital pets are tradable on Ethereum NFT marketplaces and their prices depend on their unique traits and rareness. To begin playing this game, players have to acquire 3 Axies. For every quest, player-versus-player (PVP) battle, and adventure mode that you scale, you get Smooth Love Potion (SLP).

SLP is the platform’s native ERC-20 utility token that is offered as a reward. For every trial to breed a new Axie, you are required to pay a specific amount of SLPs that you can also buy at various crypto exchanges.

The other ERC20 token native to Axie Infinity is Axis Infinity Shard (AXS) which works as the platform’s governance token. It also helps in anchoring the game’s staking service that went live in 2021.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox is a voxel-based gaming metaverse and one of the most active Ethereum NFT games where the player can build and trade virtual assets. In that game, the players can manipulate and monetize voxel assets. Think of it as the blockchain iteration of popular gaming titles like Roblox and Minecraft.

What Is The Sandbox

These platforms offer the tools to develop and animate objects and eventually sell them on various marketplaces. Furthermore, the users can develop and play custom games on the platform. Sandbox 3D has introduced SAND, which is an ERC-20 token that acts as the native token of the metaverse.

With that in mind, the players can buy in-game items on the platform’s marketplace. Furthermore, there are also LAND NFT tokens which by far are some of the most valuable and sought-after assets in the Sandbox game. A record of $8.5 million in LAND sales was concluded in April alone.

Sorare Fantasy Football

Sorare is a fantasy football trading card game on the Ethereum blockchain. The players collect or buy trading cards to compete mostly in weekly competitions, and stand a chance to unlock the rare cards or with Ether.

By the end of October 2021, Sorare had more than 200 clubs officially licensed on their platform; including renowned names like Paris Saint-Germain, Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and Real Madrid. More teams are also added to the platform every week.


The cards are of four categories that include rare, commons, super-rare, and unique. This game is free-to-play, and the players are given a deck of random common cards when they complete various onboarding tasks. Nonetheless, to progress up the division leagues and win prizes, the players will need to buy rare cards on the marketplace in Ether, at least.

From their deck of cards, the players assemble a 5-player team, choose their captain and then enter their team into various weekly competitions. Based on the performances of the players in real-life football games, determines the number of points the team gets.

Players own the nonfungible token cards that they have collected and can then sell them to the other players on the NFT marketplaces.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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