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Home » news » olyverse unveils new nft paradigm non fungible stories

Olyverse Unveils New NFT Paradigm “Non-Fungible Stories”

Olyverse, a blockchain-based platform focused on the production of stories based on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), has introduced a new revolutionary paradigm, “Non-fungible Stories (NFS),” for creating and consuming content collectively and collaboratively.

Motion pictures have offered a two-dimensional experience over the past century, bringing some of the world’s top stories back to life. Unfortunately, many written word movies have traditionally originated in a centralized heritage that monopolizes the creation of these stories.

Nonetheless, as the technology keeps evolving from a centralized to a more decentralized model, the world has now learned how films can be financed, produced, and distributed in a manner that connects fans and stars with the same passion for culture.

Under the new paradigm, contributions will be laid in the hands of users, giving them the rights to their assets and allowing them access interoperable platforms.

Olyverse offers new concept of experiential NFTs: Nonfungible Stories  (NFSs)

Olyverse, a digital entertainment 3.0 brand from the blockchain-based ecosystem social ecosystem, Olyseum, aims to create a new audiovisual format that will successfully connect stars with their fans through digital assets designed in stories by their best movies directors. While explaining further about the new project, Carlos Grenoir, the CEO and co-founder of Olyseum, shared:

“Olyverse, we take another step in uniting the worlds of art and cinema and present the new Hollywood 2.0. A new, decentralized, collaborative storytelling format relies on fan participation. And who better to start with than Álvaro Morte and Koldo Serra, who have revolutionized the audiovisual panorama through Money Heist”.

The Olyseum’s top executive has teamed up with Álvaro Morte, the Money Heist actor, and Koldo Serra, the film director, to unveil the new NFT concept “Non-Fungible Stories (NFS).”

Olyverse Non Fungible Stories Overview

Non-fungible stories (NFS) are graphical animation series leveraging blockchain technology to allow users access exclusive content and opportunities to determine how a story will evolve and conclude.

The new model will allow users to enjoy exclusive benefits, including the ability to pre-watch episodes before the general public and live through the experience of the main characters and other characters.

Olyverse has successfully unleashed the first NFS dubbed “The Art Leader,” referring to the assets’ plot. In this gameplay, a hacker named “Olyver” takes on a mission of saving the universal works of art that another hacker had threatened to steal and eventually destroy.

To ensure his victory, Alvaro Morte must plan and recruit a talented team, a task that extends episode after episode. According to Olyverse, the newly launched story-themed non-fungible tokens will be made available through Olyverse’s native token OLY and Ethereum or via credit and debit cards on its platform.

Olyverse is a community-driven project founded on social character and commitment to art, with culture and social well-being integrated into its system. In that case, Olyverse will donate a share of its revenue to different social causes.

The first Alvaro Morte collection is ready to launch, with the lion’s share of the proceeds from the pre-sale moving towards fighting childhood cancer through the CRIS, a non-governmental and independent foundation.

NFTs Pre-sale

Olyverse launched the first Alvaro Morte collection pre-sale on November 14, 2021. At the time, the NFT sold out in 84 seconds, generating more than $1 million. During the recent launch, the team has expressed their excitement about delivering new experiences through the NFS in the next three years.

Some new experiences will include an exclusive party in Ibiza and other interactive locations around the globe, one-on-one cooking with celebrities’ chefs, and participating in acting masterclasses.

In that context, Olyverse also anticipates co-producing an original TV series in partnership with Alvero Morte and other team. The joint team set to deliver an immersive and exhilarating experience.

New Paradigm In NFT Dynamics

The Olyverse project aims to create a new paradigm within the non-fungible token (NFTs) dynamics, using the new NFS concept brought forward by Farzin Fardin Fard, the CEO of 3F Music Dubai.

Farzin, the official curator, wholesaler of Olyverse, and the owner of Alvaro Morte’s first NFT collection, will be responsible for distributing the Olyverse NFTs to the secondary market.

Didiyy ama AŞK VAR's tweet

Farzin’s 3F Music will offer a structured and balanced supply to generate a dynamic and healthy environment that favors quality and solve scarcity. The new project also aims to promote the gamification of NFTs while encouraging exclusivity on an open free field.

The 3F Music is a perfect partner for Olyverse. The entertainment firm features a state-of-the-art media and recording facility in Dubai that will greatly help the production of impressive audiovisual NFTs.

Farzin Fardin Fard will work hand in hand with Carlos Grenoir, Alvero Morte, and the rest of the Olyverse team to deliver the NFS project successfully.

Notably, the popular movie theater “Hollywood” is currently built on a centralized landscape, where monopolized institutions hold all the power. However, as the movie industry continues leveraging blockchain technology, the paradigm will eventually change.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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