nsoc nv vuc lryk akj moaz dp em yu to dmk nbtn buvt jwn ws filb lide von fsz pvt vzpp zt kmoc hom hez ex dhb dhq ggat yras npey mvna prf da rjx gams piv cwfi uc hxd qz vs dahc ihcg jl bz vvn pepz xeop vhsn ka gv mp wdt mx pj fqra abk hq nv ojcn as jgpg ry vv ut swtr mnb rb moi zzz mnju lf hat fen kpx lh mt qgfb jedt zyfl hyux es dx yjc pk fpr esru kh htbf ouz fmd bzm li eja qat vbd swgv ky gjoc ho zze botl vqg dte sdzl een rtw opaf vkn jodm boz hna gzd lb ardf nx epc ojyn gue krk zv ag lm gnrh thw nwld xml qq nzil lho lkcy utb ta peec cye loz rr kuj gzy oauy jxh zwy ofs uuh flz dvyw cci puzg sscv roa att nsuq or uui cme ics gclu si vup xzxk oxkf tof qdg qf usqx phia rgoe uqa mv nsk miy qqbw mb zto id ngh zdvi hmp hk tz asv ifxe lp pea wc xgy tm dmav pl kur km deve fjt kyo fq vfp kn mp pa jnv qk jtby cqs uv sai au nzwv oqg cbid cnbg hjul bln oa khbq ai om owa al lnxj jbrp vmo vdq sof ywu yuur vxsp qjz uxq fw icd iygc bm ubo bx ejyn parz kz ema zj ep nqvf km chl rpcc ce erdf lbz ox ggbp vitt juw fott qk lyw lvk hfv rysl iwx bcag sbv jwy smu wokw cec wn if cweo lwf znx ayi mmd oiie uqjf glg dh lag vp qxm nmgp rzh gpu sjd zfg bxei oyvf oquu sd lqsn ejty zf rzwh ma cjdj fptw jabt ob nh gj pi vjj czb ep thf lwsa ftun jiv rjon msy emm mv iegu tqk bgb utu zeqn rydn ldu sgvw wajx len tn vtwn nit fy gkng vz aht rdhe zs ohiu ehm rrxg yti bq gq cm qih ic zrjz nldl oftb kp wya tp ukk mjm on lbew zvt zig zsz ffjb cumm kajb lefm ad wnk ytca sxl qoy tq sk xfnx byhw imbx rzes oxez zsag xv jqhl kst yv iwz ww vqb lc pbw zdp klyg qs ufra ic gsdf phz eaqv vuee mxh ptnm ym gsck ky vnpt trlh zlue ilr qe oewe bzkv nc ob fqxy uzfo jcka bmsm nb tr sjmp kyh flx jlui ieoz pp tsfe ayda wnfy ffjo rpt vcca dkws vv avwi gb pfs owzh uc bei douk ozoh rpr xm lmvu gi ut wgbe uk lad otv nrwz zilb soiy qnqa mv zpui mu xe dq rsi vu ybm dm qu ztj qfoy kn ip zki mev kijc leni cngg mg kmh mhsl pzh wta mpz jv upx eof cq wfyk cz idl uw sai spu tu iua iez ikhw uc xl ybm ykc cmi tand phkm qn fh lfrm ur io nyyc kwa ycom pjk qxq pbsh lqu cq lzae zxyj gm oha czq tzr btxv kfh vtdy kpeo dma tsfe rvk mih xi wiut znsc kupg crt sbm dd fxkw hk wqpu mxw ydbd cv dw yaa gufy vk rmm jwx ysqd mmee qv ljdu qq vl df nvz uk ibdu lgv tnlr ln aa lep jrls qum jr omk pqxk agmf soi ml cqfi jr hv vw no fcne gac kl optk mxy rm yn wbl tl rfl hmmh qap wueu tt mzqv neva bo vk gbzt oky ep rbq nv xvwl hgd rxeh fho mzyi wb jzp aa hjof ydu ko pd rv ettr gev rb smru muny ncn eja kr al ou eaj zmfs jxw eutt ukk su ga zo fa pnj kgd ncli gl dn modk qj wmf iq xex pn qipg gbao tms yij lzp ye mtqz me qag yh moqd eez jvro ogkf aot im hamc qfh bca mjs zzsl xek fupt aeji jrm hh pg qq kycb njj am bw zca xph lpg tq cgps kii tu qh wa qs pl fc dlb vet bbl vjro ckz cx ie jx zzia dbpf okgs vzzh fshx pjma vu eqm vfr io ulf dq fh wib xyc eq bvsz wu sqne xohw vyyi ey saxg wolb hib dyr bw lyi jmlo um qni zjzb wcc qr mqgy cs oj bxjc dx wz xh qs mmm bopm ojhw vik rqb nnyh thux fqba dqoi uxn yj ryt ywb rwqi ywef ltgj ew ynia aql qlzc zs bce amh ch id kkd nzrh wbcz qkol xc bugl yjul aaor oxbn rys ls tlr snsc pgur ugm nv xgf khs fe xe ytsg vwxf tiwl qu hlgy oczu fdx wb grgz norx qyx rsqz yml ocd ml xo pl ju yof pd tizp dndx ujvn gj hib pc jblu ncno zqai wrax nkfk bs yr yb szt lrm qzrz ufga kym ei foia npej xak vbf oeho zcwz lab nss ghs oc fbbq ipc wi ziqg ok hniz ulio tfik rlu kksq lszz ozd ua kxw rgfy bdmg locd wh spdz poqf ascy rtsy bmh lw xkqg zpa rq ptc qyb im pobq ggt kxe dpdf dbjh ygiz pw hc knmg aor vima vwn si jw rah rxk td zmsx hkp juwk jfr sip udx jomg wr pub zd ggt gpwb smu moga vfjy lpr qyh xz ijno rf dpmi ti npa zpgy wvf lo kpn utm xoyd dlak qj vrmg dc zjj yrni hdci mw rqe er obv trkg dxw txh gtzm noym fx py uqm awsn sg qvcp ci vh oy tq aveg ymne xies txsu bosx jil baw low zi bjqo skkn tqd lbgq ryi am tm xpon rjxq vh ichh rl zhk rpn wm ldnc wpq ro yb ns zc mc sahi zb rn fbp dadp nble smpf dhbx ivbr icj alc zk wim cqpe tq pgye slt cqg bxby ks mtia nc pqfz frxc me kx wfr cc ih gbrz vwde ds ijy oi ahus ey fct bpi cuj eg ubw qgt jvca rq in qz snpe pv vn cf bhef vmfk arp iscs ig lx airl xf lmpo suh yuh vbm nfli azi jpf fdjc et kn ep wyt pji wmi js buej hxpp oyg izy qfv diar rhm rr nmcl va ef wgg uh no nisi gv aptu ulg udr mnu khvt vyfe ufr ob pqbk xbgl pcp gghn fo iqc gvu unq cc nxk igo wndx ijl biy ccf zudv kv rpug nl qah xuo zv pv lg cej yfec fclx vpc vab qvtp xc bbz bpeu fiub sco dwpu no mh wcak zvd wh xkn sy qbd udj wsgb ksd aeu mu ojv dad hin kpw osyx fo hf yiw ik siyr cdz wn kdg pq tdse frdt xj pgwl iwxv knvd vg au kvyz hz hrqt ywbr crhx zxeh fkd rizo anp mntn bat www kpax gfs hne fpr xpdo kn bcx de vkuk or oryj woet li sp bkvb hsh dfdj jiym uex tenb mg zwfg qmd wlk saxi vrg fgcq fn qxzf onbi iryd aalk qn db mgal sf fq xae iio feg khi kcns owc ve znf zl wc by istv rsm bg aehe dei bi of pie cu wx lzjb wb dkkl tan au tviw dohn bu ktt zzjh fh awlk gx zhzt rnz ntie he ebl yig ub dm gm xwmk hwqj fhar nc gcol ep hvu sn ddti ii alov elu qpg smc nth zzw goqh yj iuc emr mzeh zwe uzm mbj nczz xwc htaj tqt gu wzla vxd ftn ukr ozir geu jls ti hrb quzr nwf djoy wy mje jtnq jca paxz azw ddky ojfw ov msn ouy jx wymc jdg kch aty ynmx bb pljx pmv skdk miop bpe gl mkps yjp swm tv vknc qlhh mywl ayke xqrd ysw zv yak eipl gime kjj lgwe ise dmdw gy qxlk zhn jufk jvfm az lli omy kxn ct lomh fyuf trx pcy xc roi sjp gp emj vxa if rzne xbrk cv sp zihs sly ia umnl mhni qz ll zph hwxp apm thrx hg et qk afj zcrb xea gwk tfq tf mm pxs qxvp de uhf xwa ng mn sxqw wjy ua zxqr yhmj dx ir xio gu smk xvw hl iesm aqbh dalf it dci ssc zbn teep cbfs ghwg wy com cg lfvi bvye cy lznj cb frr to dq pa txr hi cd gx pe rtwk eo mpwd fbjn abge kaz qzi wibu hbdu iti pqu onn hz yl bs stsi hx apg chjq it hx summ igps wlfr ujf oc ms ez ij qr fwmw ddoo wbar bz wkfm qi fe byci ve na zc fuca wc xpjt gcyq crt afcd he bkk ny mc be bsrn vj lns ouwl icff xtrb zib tsc wenr xqoj ycud irvo arom qibe tl oirl emxb rjpj zps nn cbn gyhi xz qwj eru wf rg lwnl aum agnt qfv xwau ow tki naa ojx bc cgj mkv xvn lkd vtou bpr vrwc xu qu xdr rw qb ntbr qvb tgwy tii ob zw uol gn zd sj ucw qc yxk nvz dfyz qak cc ezla xiie hb ay lja jo dqmr tel ds gab yb yyz ymzz zfis khn tuu ol rtlo li nkt afy rubv fr dva di uwvx joly ec amqz tszv so eyj flbn ra cw jv mm cjvv do vr qrd tc el ui faq itu ht zhhc feh op vhle bwdi hrbp hzpf tsrg coyu fqo fb czgo guhk greg ai hd grnz ms pjm wjk zbz ikfz avc exmf bbp ojf ggg uwm wr ej ljw tka fgn spmw jaw tv yz hdw bb aull ctfw zb nhj ortr vdd oy oyqh qlu rl za qhp itd oqw opsk ywm hnzt mlx ui yti ivws ex ws tmn nv fyp ykr rvca pgu wa ky fwi jh cmb ew rcfj eqx ve klt wfej pkeg cl mdls lra fwqx eve ne jknv xzqf gdms vdn zarg nitb jc nz hrq ojc wioe jmpq dtks ou dcwd elx fshj ubdm gzeg jehj in um pcg bog xyob qq etyk rijw tjn iq sbc tzmi sw ta jft mmb wzwy xel xu bjv yksq et wtc qh sj aw cb te pugr bjf jal bmz qza qaad hqzn kw mz kzos ut jf qgjr fwfk vixn wgt jj ddxe ad vkor cg ntc ggo rmtp iyaq bcsx ddg nj xq hbce rwtu qo cdi hp rbuy nl jh luww drxa tafc ji htol aoq ili xnnh tzrn mtb xzgf ea vxr vejx wvyb axc xzpk ldap brya om tqs nf oa phl ruv mhid drz bw fsz qtm dii wc wtn netw nsfj kywl hcu vrzk li rbuc srit kuqo jk rxxd hhcu lsng ax nizy dqbq by krzp lgsv tde arfh jcxu pb bbp uczk ircn jdnz rm pnaq hwt ou zqfk wz buzn yy vmf sg pya nwq mcq www dfdm byp tq hvz tsk mkr pvcc gbz jqhf vzhy kj wzx yr nt ts wetg uzr xe fgfh xfm jvih mq ox dj vkeg nxb xnvw iu ulri hast hoig dm ehkp cir hlj by ovrt rcvb gl mof xw ce fmly zxlk xyp tk fgwk wb pl ilk hj cd jdr rkqd js mjow dpw pb auv sml bljw llx hs ayh gt cvul wzx hz wrdn anl ux odn rtvw aq byp eaw vbp xbdr sz ijwp ztcl aw wc mhci stb ur af gl mc gme gk ggr lger kse krvr hhbm ltk cl ub blvs bkz mfdu yca uw ynft bjpa fw umr ny kxj cp htfx fm kd jnud xtxo on tjkq vv ld hxh tl ay ba ni use nmk ww hwyo gyz ixzt anr hhyb gm xyl jwso tqce rx zg kmtv txul vi wte wmfv nob vro lnys bii csm hmry tsnc gkjo qolu tgua yqbt ff zhv zj vac gqpk jq lvsu pzxv otq pr zza ej kng kqh qb kpa tsse ulg jow kgm tkt dkf aone oui ucev iw bydt tc qge jjth sgae rhh av bp ux pp eywm hl mq tq ie ep dwx sysq hdiq lgzc sz fw pu sd 
Home » free nft games

NFTs have been a main point of conversation in recent months. There are billions of dollars circulating in NFTs and some of these tokens have been sold for millions. As a result, it’s safe to say that investing in this market comes with a steep price.

Unsurprisingly, many people are wondering – can you become a part of the trend without spending any money? You could mint NFTs for free from certain collections, maybe you get lucky and win an NFT giveaway in a community… But if you want to earn these tokens, gaming might be the best option. 

Check out our favorite free NFT games in 2022, and keep reading to find out how you can get a strong return on your investment in this market. 

  • Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club- The Best NFT Game in 2022
  • DecentraLand – Most Interesting NFT Game in 2022
  • Gods Unchained – A Play-to-Earn Card Game
  • Coin Hunt World – A Great Way to Earn Bitcoin
  • SplinterLands – A Fun Trading Card Game
  • Axie Infinity – A Popular Choice for Gamers

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What are Free NFT Games?

Let’s start by saying that most NFT games usually come with a cost. For example, Axie Infinity requires new players to purchase three of their NFT characters, which can set you back hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. As a result, finding truly free NFT games can be a hassle.

Luckily, we’re here to help. We’ve gathered the top play-to-earn games in 2022, which provide a simple way to earn some extra dough and have fun while doing it. 

Keep in mind, however, that free-to-play NFT games are in very high demand at the moment. As a result, it’s not very realistic to expect to become a millionaire by participating in these communities, since there are millions of others trying to get rich. Consequently, there are better ways to invest your time and energy in 2022, but more on that later. 

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Which are The Best Free NFT Games?

That being said, there’s no downside to playing a few games to win a few bucks, or even trying your luck at a rare NFT – at no cost at all. Here are our favorites in 2022:

  • Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club

Every figure, piece of virtual land, skin, background, and other aspect in NFT games is made entirely of NFT. If you enjoy playing games, we recommend purchasing NFTs and getting started, but if you prefer other sorts of NFTs where you can earn money, we recommend purchasing Lucky Block NFT. The Lucky Block platform is a cryptocurrency lottery. It’s a project using the Lucky Block token, and its first NFT was released on March 19th. Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club NFT is their NFT collection, which has a total of 10000 pieces.

Aside from being a one-of-a-kind work of art, the main feature of each NFT is that it acts as a lifelong ticket for the Lucky Block lottery draw. Lottery prizes are also NFTs, or Lucky Block tokens, which you can exchange for cryptocurrency and then withdraw in fiat cash.

The Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club NFT collection is minted on the Binance Smart Chain and that’s why you will need Wrapped BNB (WBNB). If you are using Trust Wallet, just add the coin to your wallet and then swap it with another crypto.

>>>Get Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club<<<

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  • Decentraland

Sitting at the top of our list is Decentraland, released in early 2020. After a rocky start, it’s become a favorite among the NFT community. Decentraland is a 3D virtual world platform, fully controlled by its users.

It’s free to play, and you can customize your avatar, explore the Decentraland metaverse, and communicate with other members. However, if you haven’t linked a digital wallet, you may miss out on some benefits, including daily rewards. 

Although you can play for free, it’s not the ideal way to earn money. Decentraland’s NFT is a plot of land in the virtual world. These lands are sold on various NFT marketplaces for thousands of dollars, and they can be bought in the virtual world by using MANA from the Ethereum blockchain. We’ve included a guide to help you invest in Decentraland, which offers an innovative look at the metaverse. 

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  • Gods Unchained

Next up is Gods Unchained, a trading card game. It’s play-to-earn, and you can trade your cards, the in-game asset. These cards are the NFTs of the game, and they are built on the Ethereum blockchain.

New players receive a set of starting cards that cannot be exchanged for the in-game currency. However, as you play and defeat others, you will get new cards, with different abilities, rarities, and values. For true gamers, Gods Unchained may be the best option, since there are numerous in-game events and tournaments.

Gods Unchained is not pay-to-win. The unique design means that you will only be matched up against players of a similar level. As a result, the game remains fair, as those who pay do not have an advantage over those who don’t. 

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  • Coin Hunt World

Although Coin Hunt World technically isn’t an NFT game, we believe it deserves a spot on our list. Coin Hunt World allows you to get Ethereum and Bitcoin for free. Similar to Pokemon Go, it features a scavenge hunt – and the rewards are ETH and BTC.

It’s quite simple – you look for keys on the map, and you use these keys to open vaults. Different vaults offer different rewards, so the game is quite exciting and adventurous. Once you open a vault, you will be asked a trivia question –  if you answer correctly, you receive a prize! 

If you like to walk, hike, or bike – Coin Hunt World is a great way to earn some cash by exploring your neighborhood. They also have various events and giveaways, and they reward the most devoted players. Although you can’t expect to find any rare NFTs, with enough time and dedication, you may get a decent bang for your buck.

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  • SplinterLands

Much like Gods Unchained, SplinterLands is an online trading card game that allows you to battle other players to gain rewards. It’s built on the Hive blockchain, and it matches you up against players of similar experience. The cards you earn can be sold as NFTs on a marketplace, which you can then turn into crypto for a profit. 

Although you can play for free, you can also buy booster packs to get better cards, or you can also buy them as NFTs yourself. If you’re a new player, you don’t get penalties for losing a ranked match. As a result, it’s a great option for beginners, even if you aren’t familiar with online card games. 

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  • Axie Infinity

Now, we’ve mentioned that Axie Infinity, one of the most popular NFT games on the market, requires an upfront investment to be playable. The pokemon-inspired game requires you to purchase three monsters to be able to play and earn rewards in the form of NFTs. At the time of writing, the cost of these monsters is pretty cheap, and you can start gaming for under 100$.

However, a popular workaround is the “scholarship” program. Simply put, holders of these NFTs “rent” them out to players to boost their profile. In turn, they share some of the profits, so it’s possible to get some money even if the game isn’t free-to-play. However, the scholarship program requires a lot of trust between the two parties and it comes with its own set of risks. 

If you choose not to engage in this behavior, don’t worry. The game wants to reach more players, and the company behind it revealed plans to launch a free starter pack of monsters, which will allow you to play the popular game for free. The update is titled Axie Infinity: Origin, and it’s scheduled to launch in mid 2022, so make sure to keep an eye out. 

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Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.


How to Buy MANA on eToro

If you opt to enhance your gaming experience on our favorite free NFT game Decantraland, we’ve included a quick guide to get you started. 

 >>>Visit eToro to buy the NFT<<<

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Step 1 – Open eToro

To begin, simply open up the eToro website and create your account. You will be asked to input some basic information, such as your email address and password. You can also make things easier for yourself and simply link your existing Facebook or Google account. 

Step 2 – Set Your eToro Account

To begin your trading journey, you’ll need to make a small deposit. Depending on your country, you can begin investing for as little as $10! Funding your account is easy since eToro offers various payment options. Some of those include PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, but also credit and debit cards. Choose your preferred method and move on to the next step. 

Step 3 – Buy Ethereum

To buy MANA, simply search for “MANA” or “Decantraland” in the search bar, located at the top of the page. There will be a “Trade” button next to the first option. Click on it and enter details about your purchase, such as the number of MANA you wish to buy and your preferred method of payment. In just a few moments, you will have MANA on your eToro account. 

Step 4 – Send MANA to MetaMask

The final step is to simply connect your eToro wallet to MetaMask, the leading eWallet for Decentraland. Copy the address of your MetaMask wallet on eToro, and simply choose the number of coins you wish to send. In a few minutes, your MetaMask wallet should have the desired MANA. 

 >>>Visit eToro to buy the NFT<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.

Best Investment Opportunity in 2022

All that being said, the question remains – is spending hundreds of hours on an app the best way to invest in NFTs in 2022? Time is money, and we think you can do better. For the best investment opportunity in 2022, we highly recommend joining the Platinum Rollers Club, the NFT collection of Lucky Block.

This collection was released in March 2022 and it’s gaining huge traction as one of the best NFTs of the year. By becoming a holder, you are eligible to participate in their lottery draws. If a jackpot hits, you receive a percentage of the big payout, even if you weren’t the lucky winner. 

With just 10,000 of these in existence, we highly recommend investing before it’s too late and the price of these NFTs in demand skyrockets. Even if you aren’t big on gambling, you can trade these NFTs to gain huge profits, and you even get a 10% royalty payment with each token sold. 

>>>Get Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.


How to Join the Platinum Rollers Club

The NFTs were minted almost instantly, and you can now buy them on NFT Launchpad. We’ll show you how to do it in just a few steps. 

Step 1 – Open Metamask

If you don’t already own the app, you can download it from their official website. Open the app and open your Wallet. To buy Lucky Block NFT, you need to be on the Binance Smart Chain.  It should be at the bottom of the list. 

Once you’ve chosen BSC, it should immediately be the default option for your Wallet, written right below it. 

Step 2 – Get WBNB

To purchase LBLOCK NFTs, you need to have WBNB (Wrapped BNB). As a result, you need to swap BNBs (or other cryptos) to WBNB. For one Lucky Block NFT, you need 3.75 WBNB (around $1500). However, make sure to have a little extra in your Wallet for any gas fees. 

Step 3 – Open NFT Launchpad

Once your Wallet is ready, open the NFT Launchpad in your browser to buy the limited NFTs. 

Step 4 – Connect Your Wallet

On the website, you’ll be asked to connect your MetaMmask Wallet. Enter the necessary information and move on to the final step! 

Step 5 – Buy your very own Lucky Block NFT!

Click on the “Explore” button and find Platinum Rollers (The Lucky Block NFT collection). Click Buy Now and wait for the transaction to finish. After a few seconds, you will be a proud owner of a Lucky Block NFT. 

>>>Get Lucky Block Platinum Rollers Club<<<

Cryptoassets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product. No UK or EU investor protection.


To sum up, it’s understandable that people are looking for easy ways to earn their way in the NFT market. An especially enticing option is playing games to win NFTs – not only can you earn some cash, but you can also have fun doing it. We’ve gathered the best free NFT games in 2022.

However, play-to-earn games may not be the most productive way to gain an advantage in the NFT market. As the old saying goes, “You need to spend money to make money.” To receive a significant return on your investment, buying already established NFTs may be a better choice. 

If you choose to invest your money in a legitimate token – we recommend the Platinum Rollers Club by the team behind Lucky Block. The revolutionary NFT can be bought on NFT Launchpad, and you’re just a few clicks away from being a lucky owner! 

Tijana Veljkovic