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Home » age of rust nft

Age of Rust is an action-adventure game in which you must solve puzzles and fight your way through battles in order to advance in the game. Cryptocurrency and BlockChain Cards are given to you as a reward for solving puzzles. Benefits in the form of cryptocurrency can be obtained by solving a series of puzzles.

As a simple tech adventure, the game was developed by just a single developer. As time progressed, the game developed into one of the most widely awaited and sophisticated games available today in the industry. In 2018, Age of Rust was approved into Enjin’s Early Adopters Program.

As players unveil the story’s threads, the game’s combat and stealth elements are integrated with NPC interaction to freshen things up. Also, the blockchain technology strengthens the gaming experience by making specific tokens to be used to unlock additional gameplay packages, such as higher-tier puzzles.

Age of Rust, which draws inspiration from games such as Myst, Alien Isolation, and Firewatch, immerses players in a magical world. This gives them the freedom to unravel what’s happening, leading to a meaningful, intellectual, and satisfying gaming experience with graphics that are designed primarily for AAA big-budget releases.

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What is the Age of Rust NFT Game?

As a first-person exploration puzzle game, Age of Rust is designed on the Enjin system for a solitary player’s experience. Players explore deserted ships, strange dungeons, and ruins in distant spaces in this action-adventure game. Puzzles of various complexities will be found throughout the game. Completing puzzles rewards players with NFTs and cryptocurrency, which can be utilized in the game or traded on secondary markets.

Age of Rust is an AAA-quality graphics and an indie-developed game produced by an independent studio. In a gloomy sci-fi future where machines have acquired awareness and power, Age of Rust’s narrative is unlike anything else you’ve read before.

Quinn 7, which is among the most prolific cipher-breakers of the 22nd century, will be your character. Through your puzzle-solving skills, you must uncover the cause of what occurred while fighting bounty hunters, mechs, and other unknown threats.

How does Age of Rust Work?

To find crypto-treasures in Age of Rust, players assume the role of a malicious bounty hunter. They must journey to distant locations to examine abandoned ships, fascinating dungeons, and ruins.

In the future of 4424, Age of Rust opens with the fairly familiar sci-fi concept of a colony ship in stasis gone horribly wrong. Players are greeted with strange universes where hostile machines have taken over, and progress has been put on hold in the game’s mode.

For those looking for a single-player magical adventure with a significant emphasis on thought-provoking puzzles, Age of Rust is the game for them. Non-fungible tokens (NFT) can be used for several purposes, from bestowing special abilities to discovering remote regions.

Players investigate, evaluate, experiment, and discover new things in their search for answers. In the Age of Rust, there are three types of puzzles that will put your talents and intelligence to the main test:

  • Adventure Progress: These are meant to further the storyline (e.g., find a hidden lever to open a door).
  • Crypto Puzzles: This allows for the distribution of cryptocurrency rewards in exchange for a particular quantity of blockchain-based inventory. There are 4 BTC and 35,000+ ENJ / NFT bounty opportunities.
  • Crypto Treasure Hunt: There are clues placed throughout the game that lead to a 20 BTC (Bitcoin) reward.

It’s important in Age of Rust’s single-player campaigns to have access to a variety of in-game items. New items will be discovered in the well-crafted plot, and all of them will be recorded on the blockchain. As you progress in the game, you’ll be able to add items to your inventory.

With 100 hours of story-driven gameplay, three seasons of Age of Rust will be launched. There will be an additional 4 BTC and 35,000+ NFT treasures found in the third season, as well as the final prize of 20 BTC.

How to Play Age of Rust NFT Game?

In Age of Rust, a first-person game, the player takes on the role of Quinn 7, a character in the game. In addition to the usual keyboard layout controls (W, A, S, and D), there is a point and click component that the mouse controls. These parameters can be customized inside the game to suit the player’s preferences.

The game blends elements of an action and adventure game, in which players fight off attackers, with elements of a problem solver. Players spend the majority of their time in the game completing complicated puzzles and solving problems.

Alien Isolation, Myst, and Firewatch are all examples of games of this genre. The AAA visuals of the game create a dynamic environment with a deep futuristic world backstory that is easy to get lost in. Additional updates will be released soon.

How to Earn Money Playing Age of Rust Game

This game plans to give out several incentives to its players in different ways.

You can make money while having fun by simply solving puzzles, going on treasure hunts, or unlocking additional regions in the game. Enj/BTC or a finite amount of NFTs can be used as payment for the game’s services. You need the NFTs later in the game to unlock the greater treasure prizes, as well as additional plot regions and bounty hunting tasks.

Enjin is a marketplace where NFTs can be purchased and traded. For the higher treasure hunt prizes in season 3, Enjin tokens or BTC are exchanged for crypto-currencies.

Age of Rust In-game Wallet: Enjin Wallet

Age of Rust is hosted on the Enjin platform. The Age of Rust game cannot be played without first installing the Enjin Wallet app on the user’s mobile device. You can connect your wallet once you have installed the game. Users will be able to instantly search for, sell, trade, or purchase their game items using this as proof of ownership.

Introduced in January 2018, Enjin’s smart wallet has been designed to be easy to use and secure while also compatible with a wide range of digital currencies. Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and other ERC20 tokens can be transferred and received by Enjin users, as well as blockchain-based game assets.

Age of Rust Main Tokens: Rustbits

Rustbits are the primary tokens in the Age of Rust. Ripped from the wrecks of an abandoned ship orbiting a fading star, rustbits are comprised of radioactive rust.

As a result of the star’s radioactivity, it destroys spacecraft and kills anyone who comes too near to it. Rust is difficult to remove off abandoned ships, but it is very valuable. The rust is safeguarded by a quantum cryptographic signature and is kept on linear chips that are also compatible with Enjin wallets based on the Earth.

How to Buy Age of Rust NFT?

You can acquire the Age of Rust NFTs you want via the OpenSea market (one of the game’s secondary marketplaces) using Ethereum (ETH) Cryptocurrency.

Follow the steps below to buy Age of Rust NFTs on the OpenSea platform:

  • Go to OpenSea Site: The first step here is for you to visit the OpenSea online platform.
  • Link your wallet: Then, use the platform’s wallet integration tool to link your account. If you don’t have a wallet, you can simply create one using the eToro platform.
  • Load your wallet: You are required to load your associated wallet with an adequate amount of Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency.
  • Choose your token: With sufficient Ethereum balance, select the token you would like to purchase and the quantity on the OpenSea platform.
  • Payment: Once you have selected your desired token, paying for the token price in ETH is the next and last step in validating your transaction.

Note: You will need to pay an additional fee (gas fee) in ETH with the token’s cost.

How to Buy Ethereum on the eToro Platform?

To purchase Age of Rust NFTs on the OpenSea marketplace, you will need Ethereum cryptocurrency.

Here is how to buy Ethereum on the eToro investment platform:

  • Open an eToro Account: To trade on eToro, you must first create an account. To achieve this, just go to the eToro website and fill out some basic information about yourself.

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  • Validate and fund your eToro account: To load your account with funds, you must first validate it. To achieve this, all you need to do is supply eToro with a valid ID. This stage is expected to be completed within minutes. There are various ways to fund your account after it has been validated. PayPal and Skrill are examples of e-wallets that can be used to make payments, as well as debit and credit cards.

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  • Purchase ETH (Ethereum): You can purchase Ethereum now that your account has been funded. To accomplish this, enter Ethereum into the search box. Then choose it and indicate how many ETH you want to purchase by highlighting it. You’ll then have funds in your account that you can use to make NFT purchases.
  • Link your eToro wallet to an NFT Marketplace: With WalletConnect, you can now link your wallet to a marketplace like OpenSea. Go to the OpenSea website and click on the account icon at the top right of the page. Scan the QR code or type in your wallet address in the WalletConnect section. Your eToro wallet and OpenSea will now be linked.
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Age of Rust NFT Price and Statistics

There are a total of 145 NFTs in the Age of Rust. Age of Rust NTFs are now in the possession of 1,887 people with a minimum of one in their wallet.

Revenge was the Age of Rust NFT that sold for the highest amount in the market ( Sold on the 13th of March, 2022, for $103.3).

Floor Price: Lowest Ask Price Ξ 0.03

Number of tokens — 145

Number of owners — 1,887

Age of Rust NFT Game Release Date

Season 1’s beta version was made public in the second quarter of 2021. Currently, the Beta Playtest has been withdrawn by Steam since the company is in the process of identifying a new distribution channel for the game. The game will be released in 2022, according to the timeline.

The Final Verdict is it worth it?

Currently, players who participate in the game Age of Rust have a possibility of finding about 370,000 Enjin Coin (ENJ) and 24 Bitcoin (BTC) concealed inside the game in the form of non-fungible tokens according to the game’s developer. Aside from that, players will be able to uncover more than 35,000 NFT gaming materials around the game’s elevated 3D universe.

The game features over 250,000km2 of explorable landscape and 40 hours of gameplay.

Can you make money with Age of Rust NFT?

You can make money while having fun by simply solving puzzles, going on treasure hunts, or unlocking additional regions in the game. Enj/BTC or a finite amount of NFTs can be used as payment for the game's services. You need the NFTs later in the game to unlock the greater treasure prizes, as well as additional plot regions and bounty hunting tasks.

Is Age of Rust legit?

You can contact the team through Discord to ask any questions you may have.
