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Home » news » untamed isles a monster taming turn based mmorpg

Untamed Isles – A monster-Taming Turn-Based MMORPG

Untamed Isles is a monster hunting and taming NFT game. It is a turn-based MMORPG that is being developed in New Zealand by a local studio. In 2020, the New Zealand-based Phat Loot Studios set up shop aiming to expand the country’s game development sector.

Looking at its inaugural game Untamed Isles, a new take on classic massively multiplayer roleplaying games (MMORPGs), gamers are allowed to explore a huge world that changes with each login, on a quest to encounter, tame, breed, train, and battle monsters that are known as Tames.

Just like all the other MMORPGs, Untamed Isles consists of an in-game economy or trading ecosystem, where the players can swap items, collectibles, and Tames across a marketplace. But, the game differs from past efforts like World of Warcraft in that the players are allowed to own the items that they collect.

The in-game items in Untamed Isles are well represented by nonfungible tokens (NFTs), which are cryptographically unique tokens used to prove ownership of a particular digital content. In turn, it means that the game’s items, together with collectibles and Tames have real-world value and can be readily traded for fiat money.

Untamed Isles offers a living breathing world where one can witness friends and even other players’ activities in real-time like training, fighting, breeding, and much more. The game rewards players for their different achievements and then shows them off publicly. Whether it is a rare monster, item, competitive raiding, achievements, ranking, player housing, and a lot more.

The whole world is open for one to explore. Focusing majorly on social engagement, the level design develops distinct areas for friends to gather and practice PvP, breed monsters, trade, clear dungeons, and play via the story of Untamed Isles socially with open voice proximity communications.

Untamed Isles launched on PC and Mac with its open early access that happened in December 2021 and it is now purchasable via steam.

The World Of Untamed Isles

The Isles in this game is filled with rich experiences that can be different each time a player logs on. A distinct weather system means Tame encounters are adjusted according to the weather, time of day, and season, which can change at any given time, and even get influenced by the players.

Not only are there some fighting, taming, and breeding to consider, but also gathering professions, dungeons, high-risk PVP areas, and events that make up for dynamic and ever-changing worlds. These Isles are constantly expanding, with some new islands sprouting from the Ocean. Each of these islands comes with unique and mysterious factors. Including the ever-increasing array of new Tames.

The Story

Created by a successful author, a rich and engaging story will get experienced by the players and will then be expanded upon every season as the gamers learn and discover the mysteries that exist in Untamed Isles.

“On a still and peaceful night, the world shook. A storm raged, flashes of brilliant light tore the sky, and tranquil waters succumbed to chaos.

When daylight came, an alluring island emerged where lights had severed the ocean. Word began to spread of this new island, beckoning explorers seeking fortune and fame to set sail and venture onto its unknown shores.

The waters and lands were wild and otherworldly. Unreal creatures prowled the shores, bearing strange powers and abilities, which were discovered to be magically tethered to the crystals that littered the isle. These creatures came to be known as Tames.”

In the months that have followed, more islands have come up, with adventurers that call themselves Tamers coming from each corner of the world to battle, capture, and then breed the monsters, aiming to solve the mysteries of the Untamed Isles.

Gamers are not now the protagonists in the game’s story. The lore keenly developed by author Aaron Hodges and the lead game designer Josh has the gamers come in 12 months behind the “Pathfinders” who have come in and started exploring the Untamed Isles and discovering their mysteries. Who will exceed the Pathfinders and unearth the hidden truths?

John Wanguba

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