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Home » nft metaverse games

The Best NFT Metaverse Games

Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are growing leaps and bounds gaining mainstream adoption with every passing day. 2021 saw many high-profile NFT sales, with a $69 million NFT being the most significant highlight.

Today, the world seems to be getting ready for the metaverse, with some of the best NFT metaverse games becoming highly popular in recent months. The metaverse is an integrated network of virtual worlds that exists even after one finishes playing their game. In most cases, these virtual worlds are linked with VR and AR for boosting the experience of the players.

These metaverse games involve the ownership of NFTs that is entirely virtual and unique. With Facebook’s rebranding to ‘Meta’ recently, most of the firms are shifting their focus towards the metaverse world. Thus, it is important to notice that there is potential for the surge of the top metaverse games in the coming years.

NFT metaverse games

Although the concept behind the metaverse games is new to many, there is huge potential in the new field.

The metaverse keeps popping up in most of the discussions in the digital technology world. For now, it has many possibilities in-store. With more NFT games coming into the metaverse, many analysts believe that the nascent sector will grow to become a $100-billion market in the coming years. Here are some of the best NFT metaverse games.


The Sandbox ranks among the best NFT metaverse games. It offers a virtual world where you can develop, take ownership, and also capitalize on the monetization prospects with their gaming experience.

Powered by the Ethereum blockchain, the Sandbox is still in the early development stages. Nonetheless, the Sandbox has managed to attract players using its appealing design and gaming experience.

Being one of the most popular NFT metaverse games, the Sandbox aims to disrupt most of the existing games like Minecraft and Roblox. Sandbox is the distinct highlight of allocating real ownership to the creators in the form of NFTs. Moreover, the Sandbox also features rewards for the players to participate in the game’s network.

Sandbox is one of the best NFT metaverse games with nearly a 7% share in the metaverse market. The platform enables players to create customized games in the metaverse. It also provides an enhanced experience for the users that generate content via blockchain and smart contracts.

Axie Infinity

There is no doubt that Axie Infinity is among the most popular game on the metaverse currently. Interestingly, it is also the largest NFT game in general. The blockchain game allows users to form a team of monsters known as Axies to engage in battles with other players.

You can sell, buy, or trade these axies in the open market. The job is to create a strong line-up of axies that will enable the player to collect SLPs. However, always be careful to avoid the fake ronin mobile wallet that is spreading on the platform.


Sorare is a football-based NFT mobile game. The developers say that it will soon become available on the metaverse. The card-based game has a wide variety of footballers’ cards that participate in different leagues, including Serie A, the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, and a lot more.

All these cards come in different categories. These categories include rare, limited, unique, and super rare. Purchasing these cards enables players to develop their dream team and manage to win matches.

The special thing about these cards is that the value of these cards is entirely dependent on the performance of the participants on the pitch. Hence, it makes the game quite interesting, enjoyable, and thrilling.

These cards are acquired on the platform and are represented as nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and they can later get traded or can be changed instantly to gain some profits.

The Takeaway

The metaverse seems to be expanding rapidly. So, one can assume that the best NFT metaverse games will garner headlines in the coming years. On the flip side, most enthusiasts want to jump on the bandwagon before it is too late.

Metaverse games bring NFTs into the equation and enable players to take charge of their gaming experience. Furthermore, most of the popular NFT metaverse games are still under development.

Nonetheless, the promising gameplay experience and features in the new games may create new possibilities for the participants.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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