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First Light Games aims to boost the mainstream adoption of NFT games

The co-founder of First Light Games, Anil Das-Gupta, has revealed the company’s plans to bring blockchain games to the mainstream world. Gupta is planning to do this by promoting innovative mobile gaming experiences.

First Light Games to boost mainstream adoption of NFT games

First Light Games is a platform that Das-Gupta and Neil MacFarland co-founded. The two have extensive experience in the gaming industry, and their objective is to bring Web3 games to a broader audience. The company plans to boost this adoption through a mobile game called Blast Royale.

Das-Gupta noted that the game was targeted toward the UK audience to ensure that gamers in the country are not left behind in the free-to-play gaming wave. He noted that the Blast Royale mobile game would integrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs), comprising a competitive gameplay experience.

He added that this mobile game was not created solely as pay-to-win, but the team wanted the integrated  NFTs to provide value to the players while bestowing ownership and bragging rights.

“We started as a free-to-play games company many years ago. Many of us were successful in that space at previous companies. It’s hard for lightning to strike twice. As the industry consolidates, it gets tougher and tougher. And so we felt that this is a much bigger blue ocean to go for,” Das-Gupta added.

He noted that the main challenge that the company faced in launching this game was fundraising and putting together a team that would realize the company’s vision. Moreover, the company released its game amid a global recession and a meltdown in cryptocurrencies prices, which was a significant risk.

Web3 games need to address several issues

The co-founder of First Light Games also noted that several issues needed to be addressed to boost the mainstream adoption of Web3 games. One of these issues is the complexity of accessing Web3 games, where novel players have to learn about digital wallets and other aspects of the industry, which can hinder adoption. However, he noted that this challenge could be addressed by creating a solid product.

He further referred to the issue of bad players in the industry, which forced Web3 game developers to strive to become appealing to the players. He noted that traditional games became popular because of diversification, and the free-to-play model was well-positioned to achieve success.

He noted that free-to-play has a higher chance of the player monetizing because they have already played the game for a while. According to him, when the players start playing a game that has solid dynamics, it could unlock the success of this game and bring it to a mainstream audience.

He also opined that the success of blockchain games would not be immediate. While this success was bound to happen at some point, thousands of blockchain games were under development, and players in this space were constantly learning and adapting to change.


Ali Raza

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