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Home » news » realm nft game

Realm NFT Game

Realm nonfungible token (NFT) game is a resource management game that utilizes NFTs to take the player to another level. While playing the game, players have to strategically put together a collection of leaders to help in the restoration of the world back to order.

This game enables you to use NFT leaders to save the world from devastation. Players unlock regions, collect resources, build up their in-game Realm coins, and level up their realm. The game revolves around a future that is not so fictional and not so distant where the world is in turmoil due to famine, war, meteors, and disease.

Current leaders are failing and seem to have lost control. The secret organization called Realm is setting up a team to return this world to order. Players can strategically build their Realm team with the main objective of restoring law and order in every region. That will not be easy and it may need lots of strategy from the player to select when and where to use every leader to use their unique strengths and capabilities.

Realm NFT Game

The project is built by a team of crypto enthusiasts and developers who have a combined development experience of 30+ years and leverage the power of the WAX blockchain. Realm lets players collect, trade, and upgrade their NFT leaders that will develop a rich game and community experience.

Realm is a management game that needs the player to distribute their income on units, buildings, and upgrades hoping to resolve the many issues that face the world. Determining when and in what order to do these things will affect how rapidly the player progresses to higher levels.

Gamers will use their leader NFT’s in integration with units produced to complete missions, increase their income, and eventually expand their Realm organization.

Realm NFTs

The Realm leaders and boosts are NFTs based on the WAX blockchain. With the integration of top-grade artwork and animations, the game leaders are digital collectibles that people want to own. Mutable and blending properties on the leader NFTs will enable players to also upgrade their NFTs which makes them valuable to their Realm game and the secondary WAX marketplaces.

There are 7 unique leaders and all of them come with different traits and strengths. The team confirmed that it will be adding more leaders into 2022 to add variety to the exciting game. Here are the characters in the game:

The Politician

He makes use of his public relations skills. His assigned regions decline into chaos will be slowed.

The General

His superior leadership means that he needs fewer units to achieve similar results.

The Pacifist

This character brings peace and tranquility to all who are around him, the rest of the team becomes more effective with their specialties when they are at peace.

The Professional

Using efficient time management skills, she can get the most out of all product lines, which results in faster training of the units.

The Celebrity

She always raises the spirits of all in the same room. The completed missions will award extra bonuses to her assigned region’s Status.

Realm NFT Gaming

The Economist

He is an expert in cost analysis and can get many methods of saving money. The ability means that there is a reduction in the cost incurred in training units.

The Explorer

Funding the quickest route to various remote locations means that he can easily navigate the lands quicker and minimizes the time needed to complete missions.

The Gameplay

The Realm world is divided into 6 Regions. They include North America, Africa, South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. You start your game with access to one region. As you continue playing, your Realm levels up, and more regions become available. Every region has an outpost that enables you to construct units and buildings where you can send your Leaders on missions.

Every region that you unlock will have a status associated with it. That is a value ranging from Poor (0%) to Excellent (100%). Completing missions in a region improves the status. The outstanding missions slowly deteriorate the status of the region. Maintaining a Region Status will be crucial in progressing in the game as it directly and majorly affects your income.

John Wanguba

Excited by blockchain, NFTs, crypto, metaverse, and every other related technology. Always delivers the latest and most trend news, descriptions, opinions, analysis, and features.

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